The Ultimate Guide To Social Cannabis Etiquette

We’ll start this article by stating the core tenet of cannabis etiquette: Everyone should feel welcomed and respected (provided they’re of age to consume cannabis), no matter the scenario or social setting.

Like all hobbies and interests, cannabis culture includes fresh-faced rookies, novices, intermediates, and experts. All parties should get along swimmingly—there’s no need for tension.

While new users should do their best to follow the leaders, the leaders need not judge or scoff because someone isn’t familiar with the terminology or “rules.”

Just because someone doesn’t know the difference between a spliff, vape, or bong doesn’t mean they’re somehow less worthy. And if they happen to pass the dutchie to the right-hand side? So be it.

Modern cannabis culture revolves around acceptance and learning. 

When someone doesn’t know the etiquette or understand the surrounding nomenclature, simply teach them with a smile.

Remember, too, that cannabis is a personal experience. Don’t assume what suits you will suit everyone else. Consider others’ tolerances and limitations and never pressure anyone into joining in if they don’t seem comfortable.

Now, let’s delve deeper into cannabis etiquette in the content below.

Cannabis Connoisseurs Are Cannabis Advocates

All cannabis enthusiasts are advocates for the magical plant.

As such, conscientiousness and consideration amongst cannabis lovers is a must, especially when partaking in shared or public spaces. 

Don’t disturb others while you partake in public settings. For instance, try to limit the pungent odors of your smoke. Discretion is king, especially when children are around. Also, when in doubt, find somewhere more discreet to smoke.

Knowledge of local laws is also crucial to cannabis etiquette as wider-spread legalization takes hold. Understanding what’s legal and what isn’t will keep you and your friends out of unnecessary trouble.

Being Considerate In Group Settings

The first rule of joining a group cannabis session is not to turn up empty-handed. 

There are exceptions to this rule, of course. 

For instance, someone might ask you to join in and offer you some free smoke, in which case, enjoy.

Moreover, you might have your own communal rules, wherein everyone is welcome, no matter what they have. 

Even then, you don’t want to be someone who never contributes. 

We understand that financial limitations could be at play, and cannabis should be inclusive. So, we’ll say it here—if money’s not an issue and neither is legal accessibility, never turn up to a communal cannabis session without any cannabis of your own.

Here are a few other points to make about communal cannabis consumption to ensure you uphold the appropriate etiquette:

  • Puff, puff, pass is a rule as old as time. When everyone’s thrown into a spliff or blunt, don’t be a Bogart (someone who keeps smoking beyond “puff, puff, pass.”) 
  • Be mindful of your germs. Nobody wants to get sick on account of sharing cannabis, so keep your saliva off the joint or blunt. Clamping your fingers over the end of a joint or spliff and putting your mouth to your fingers (instead of the joint) typically does the trick. Provided you’re using bongs or pipes that might demand mouth contact, wipe down the mouthpiece before passing it to someone else—preferably with a disinfectant wipe.
  • Don’t stall between your puffs. While you might only take two puffs, using a joint as a microphone to incessantly prattle on while everyone waits for their turn is equally as much of a faux pas as taking endless tokes. You can still say what you need to say while puff-puff-passing, moving things along, and getting the dutchie to the next person.
  • Many smoking circles adhere to the rules of “roller’s rights.” Provided someone spun a doobie or a blunt, they’re the person who gets to spark it.
  • If you’re consuming cannabis at a party (where it’s deemed ‘cool’ to smoke) but nobody else seems to be partaking in their cannabis, don’t be afraid to offer. The worst anyone will say is ‘no.’ Smoking alone can often come across as standoffish and uninclusive—offering to others shows openness, and you might make a new friend.

Don’t Be Obnoxious About Your Cannabis Consumption

Cannabis is all about inclusivity and coming together. Yet, like in all facets of life, you’ll come across people who don’t partake in the right spirit. It’s not necessarily this person’s fault—they often don’t know better.

Below, we’ll point out poor behaviors to avoid so you don’t act like “that” person:

  1. Veteran cannabis enthusiasts—don’t act “too cool for school” when a novice turns up to your smoking circle. We’ve all seen it in action—the eye-rolling, the snarky comments under your breath, the laughing when the newcomer coughs after too big of a haul. You might think they’re the problem, but you are, in fact, the issue. People new to cannabis deserve respect and acceptance.
  1. Don’t be the person who boasts about your Herculean cannabis tolerance. It’s irritating, and being able to smoke lots of cannabis doesn’t make you cool. It just means you can smoke a lot of cannabis. Nobody’s interested or impressed. If anything, you’re promoting unsafe and unhealthy cannabis habits and reinforcing negative stereotypes. There’s nothing wrong with having a high cannabis tolerance, but it’s nothing to brag about or rhapsodize over.
  1. Cannabis isn’t golf, nor is it an organized religion. So, don’t be the person who acts like every breach of etiquette is an instance of blasphemy. People make mistakes, or they sometimes just don’t know. Most of the time, it’s best not to say anything if someone accidentally takes too many puffs or drools on the joint. Leading by example and hoping everyone follows suit is the best course of action.
  1. A shared cannabis experience isn’t all about one person, so don’t make it all about you. For instance, don’t be the one who has to control all the music—let everyone have input. Moreover, don’t be the one who purposely gets high off their gourd and freaks out—know your limits. That’ll harsh everybody’s buzz, ruining what should be a good time.

An excellent example of cannabis etiquette is turning up to a smoking circle with top-quality bud—which you’ll find in ample qualities at Phasal Dispensary. Explore our online menu today!

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